Club Registrations
Registrations are now open across all clubs - please click on your preferred club below to be redirected to their registration pages. Registrations close 31MAR24
Fees Explained:
Registration fees include multiple components:
- Hockey Australia Affiliation fee / Insurances
- Hockey NSW Affiliation fee / Insurances
- PMHHA Affiliation fee
- Club fees
- *Winter Competition Fees
Fees are subject to GST
Registration Types
- This covers the mandatory insurances and affiliation fees for all players
- This is only a part payment, with an additional invoice for competition fees to be issued later in the season.
- Use of this registration meets the conditions of entry for field use
- This covers you for a full year affiliation fees / insurances, club fees and Winter Comp playing fees
Registration Process
Step 1: Please select "Returning Member" or "New Member" via the buttons
Step 2: Fill in your details
Step 3: select "PART PAYMENT” or “FULL PAYMENT” registration type
Step 4: Fill out the rest of the form
Step 5: Pay by credit card.
If you registered in pervious years, your State / National ID number will be listed on your registration email.
Can't remember your National ID Number.... text Ali for assistance: 0435 006 533