Bellingen Hockey Club
0459 126 071
Step 1: Please select "Returning Member" (have played with HNSW since 2016) or "New Member" (never played with HNSW or pre-2016) via the yellow buttons on the Registration Page
Step 2: Fill in your details
Step 3: Select your "Club" as PMHHA

Step 4: Select the payment fee for your age
O Under 18s Player
O Under 25s Player
O Adult Player
You have the choice of "PART PAYMENT" or "FULL PAYMENT". If you select Part Payment a second invoice will be issued part way through the season.
Step 5: Fill out the rest of the form
NOTE: **If you have already primary registered with Hockey Coffs, then your H.A & HNSW fees will not be charged on this inovice**